

1. February 2024

Meet Efezino, one of our dedicated students here at Eurasia! Efezino was kind enough to sit down with us and answer a few questions about his personal experience here at Eurasia. Join us as we jump into his unique perspective and hear his thoughts about his time with us.

Interviewer: Could you introduce yourself?

Efezino: My name is Efezino William-Opia, and I am from Nigeria. I graduated from the University in Edo State in Nigeria with a Bachelors in electrical and electronic engineering.

Interviewer: How long have you been with Eurasia?

Efezino: About three years, but I have only been in Germany for 3 months, and the rest of the program was done back home in Nigeria.

Interviewer: What was the application process like?

Efezino: It was pretty stress-free, it took a little time because they had to send legal documents back and forth, but it was straightforward.

Interviewer: Are you doing the academic or career pathway?

Efezino: I originally did the academic pathway through Eurasia, but I am now switching to the career pathway.

Interviewer: How do you feel about the German language learning process?

Efezino: The process of learning with Eurasia was good. The language itself can be quite stringent, but you are able to learn with the best teachers around who take the time to tutor you properly and are very dedicated. I had a very nice time.

Interviewer: What are your plans for the future?

Efezino: Well, I’ve always had a plan to be an electrical engineer, but coming to Germany has shown me that there is more out there than just being a traditional engineer. I could branch out into different fields, such as management. I am currently trying to find what I am best at, and will start heading in that direction once I do. Plans for the future are changing day by day.

Interviewer: What has been the biggest change from your home country?

Efezino: The weather, because back in my home country of Nigeria it was almost always around 25-30 degrees. I’ve had to start wearing sweatshirts in Germany.

Interviewer: What is your favorite thing about Germany?

Efezino: I like the people. They’re just so nice and there is so much diversity – there is such a mixture of different people and everybody is so warm and friendly. It is very different from what I am used to.

Interviewer: Do you have any advice for future students?

Efezino: Yes I do. First off, if you’re Nigerian or African, kindly bring a lot of your food here – bring as much as you can. My advice is also to trust in the process, and it will all be fine. Nothing is too difficult for you – you can always do it.

Thank you to Efezino for taking the time to sit down and talk with us. We are amazed at his commitment to learning and achieving his dreams!

For more information on how to get started with Eurasia, click here.